الأربعاء، 30 نوفمبر 2016

Password Vault Manager Enterprise Multilingual + Portable

Password Vault Manager Enterprise

Password Vault Manager Enterprise Multilingual + Portable

البرنامج لادارة وتخزين ( مدفن ) كلمات السر وتوليد كلمات السر المعقدة بميزات فريدة

Password Vault Manager Enterprise

Password Vault Manager Enterprise Multilingual + Portable -- 108/114 Mb

Password Vault Manager lets you and your team centralize your organization’s passwords and credentials into one secure repository. Manage user security rights and access, reduce help desk support calls and strengthen your network security by generating only strong and unique passwords. Password Vault Manager is your all-in-one solution to streamline password management. Stop losing time retrieving forgotten passwords and enjoy the industry’s most intuitive and customizable dashboard.

Password Management
Secure, organize and store your passwords into groups and folders.
Manage your bank and credit card information, alarm codes, software keys, email account information and many others using one master password.
Eliminate time loss on retrieving forgotten passwords and credentials.
Reduce help-desk call by 25% to 40%.

Team Solution
Centralize passwords and credentials into a secure repository for easy maintenance and updates.
Share data entries between multiples users.
Manage user security accesses.

User Interface & Organization
Intuitive interface for all type of users.
Easy to deploy, easy to use in an Enterprise environment.
No extensive training required.

Documents & Information
Manage documents as attachments or secure notes.
View access logs and reports for management purposes.
Keep tracks of every action including the changes on an entry.

Increase network security with strong and unique passwords.
Identify weak passwords.
Generate strong random passwords.
U.S. federal government approved encryption.

Other Features
Import passwords and credentials from a vast variety of management tools including: KeePass, 1password, LastPass, SplashID, Password Safe and many others.
Portable device operation model supported
Extend the application with our SDK



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Password Vault Manager Enterprise Multilingual + Portable

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