الخميس، 25 أكتوبر 2018

تنصيب صامت Google Chrome. 70.0.3538.77. AOLL . Final

منتديات داماس - introduction paragraph hook thesis
تنصيب صامت Google Chrome. 70.0.3538.77. AOLL . Final
تنصيب صامت Google Chrome. 70.0.3538.77. AOLL Final
تنصيب صامت Google Chrome. 70.0.3538.77. AOLL Final

تنصيب صامت Google Chrome. 70.0.3538.77. AOLL Final

Google Chrome. 70.0.3538.77. AOLL . Final

تنصيب صامت

تنصيب صامت Google Chrome. 70.0.3538.77. AOLL Final

المتصفح الرائع المنافس الشرس لأقوى المتصفحات كالفايرفوكس والإكسبلورر
يتميز بالسرعة الجبارة فهو أخف المتصفحات على الاطلاق
يمتاز بالأمان والسرية و الحماية القوية
مدمج معه برنامج تحميل يغنيك عن إضافة البرامج التقليدية
يتميز بخاصية الإضافات Addon كالفايرفوكس
شكله جذاب وثيماته رائعة وألوانه مبهحة للناظرين
لذا فهو متصفح خفيف وسريع وآمن وجذاب وينصح بتجربته

تنصيب صامت Google Chrome. 70.0.3538.77. AOLL Final

تنصيب صامت Google Chrome. 70.0.3538.77. AOLL Final


تنصيب صامت Google Chrome. 70.0.3538.77. AOLL Final

تنصيب صامت Google Chrome. 70.0.3538.77. AOLL Final
تنصيب صامت Google Chrome. 70.0.3538.77. AOLL Final
UpdatePack7R2.18.10.10حزمة تحديث اوف لين 700.6 MB
UpdatePack7R2 18.10.10 for Windows 7 SP1 & Server 2008 Free Download Latest Version for Windows. Its full offline installer standalone setup of UpdatePack7R2 18.10.10 for Windows 7 SP1 & Server 2008 32 bit 64 bit PC.

UpdatePack7R2 18.10.10 for Windows 7 SP1 and Server 2008 R2 SP1 – Set allows you to update a working system, and integrate software updates in the distribution. Can be installed on any edition of Windows 7 and Server 2008 R2, any digit and any language. Includes updates for all versions of Internet Explorer, all critical, recommended, and security updates. See details on the developer’s site.

• The system must be at least 5 GB of free space on hard drive and preferably not less than 1 GB of RAM.
• For flexible installation set, you can use the following keys and key combinations:
• Key / Reboot to automatically restart if it is required.
• Key / S to completely silent install with no windows and messages. Case is significant.
• Key / Silent passive installation – you can see the progress, but the installation is fully automatic.
• Key / IE11 for installation of Internet Explorer 11 and its localization.
• Key / Temp = allows you to specify a temporary working directory. He does not have to be empty, but must exist.
• Key / NoSpace allows you to skip checking free space on the system partition is not recommended.

– Examples:
• You want to automatically install all updates, IE11, and restart your computer: UpdatePack7R2.exe / ie11 / silent / reboot
• Private need to install all the updates to existing products, the version of IE does not change, the computer does not restart: UpdatePack7R2.exe / S
• The following keys are designed to integrate the updates in this distribution:
• Key / WimFile = specifies the location of wim-file, you must specify an absolute path.
• Key / Index = indicates an index system wim-file for each index is necessary to perform the integration again.
• Key / Index = * allows you to integrate in turn updates all indexes wim-file.

– Notes:
• Before specifying the index is useful to execute the command: Dism / Get-WimInfo /WimFile:C:\install.wim (replace the path to your own).
• Not all updates can be integrated (see table), but they do not affect the safety of the system.

– Examples:
• Need to integrate IE11 and all updates to the index 1: UpdatePack7R2.exe / ie11 /WimFile=C:\install.wim / Index = 1
• Need to integrate IE11 and all updates to all indexes: UpdatePack7R2.exe / ie11 /WimFile=C:\install.wim / Index = *
• Need to integrate only the updates to existing products, do not change the version of IE: UpdatePack7R2.exe /WimFile=C:\install.wim / Index = 1

Additional Functionality
• You can automatically install SP1, if it is not installed on your system. To do this, place the files Windows6.1-KB976932-X86.exe and Windows6.1-KB976932-X64.exe in the same directory with the set.
• If there is a set of UpdatePack7R2Start.cmd – it will be done before installing the updates, UpdatePack7R2Finish.cmd – after installation, UpdatePack7R2Wim.cmd – after the integration of updates. By default, the console window will be displayed. To hide them, the first line in the cmd-file must begin with “: hide” (without the quotes). An update rollup monitors the exit code of cmd-file, in case you need to reboot. This code is 3010 (3010 exit command).
• If you want to apply your tweaks after you install Internet Explorer 11 on a working system, locate the folder with the file set ie11.reg and it will be imported automatically.
Some keys can be replaced by the renaming of the file set. So to install IE11, you can add the word “ie11” in any place of the file name set, “-” for the automatic reboot and “++” passive installation.

– Examples:
• You want to automatically install the system for working with IE11 and reboot: Rename UpdatePack7R2.exe in UpdatePack7R2 – ie11 ++. Exe
• It is absolutely the same as using the following keys: UpdatePack7R2.exe / ie11 / silent / reboot

• The size distribution (wim-file) will be increased by the size of installed updates.
• Integrated update can be removed, even after installation.
• It is recommended to unload from memory resident antivirus monitor for the duration of the set.
• A detailed log of the updates is in the file% WinDir% \ UpdatePack7.log.

Concrete Structures by Mehdi, Darvas, Robert
This revised, fully updated second edition covers the analysis, design, and construction of reinforced concrete structures from a real-world perspective. It examines different reinforced concrete elements such as slabs, beams, columns, foundations, basement and retaining walls and pre-stressed concrete incorporating the most up-to-date edition of the American Concrete Institute Code (ACI 318-14) requirements for the design of concrete structures. It includes a chapter on metric system in reinforced concrete design and construction. A new chapter on the design of formworks has been added which is of great value to students in the construction engineering programs along with practicing engineers and architects. This second edition also includes a new appendix with color images illustrating various concrete construction practices, and well-designed buildings. The ACI 318-14 constitutes the most extensive reorganization of the code in the past 40 years. References to the various sections of the ACI 318-14 are provided throughout the book to facilitate its use by students and professionals. Aimed at architecture, building construction, and undergraduate engineering students, the scope of concepts in this volume emphasize simplified and practical methods in the analysis and design of reinforced concrete. This is distinct from advanced, graduate engineering texts, where treatment of the subject centers around the theoretical and mathematical aspects of design. As in the first edition, this book adopts a step-by-step approach to solving analysis and design problems in reinforced concrete. Using a highly graphical and interactive approach in its use of detailed images and self-experimentation exercises, “Concrete Structures, Second Edition,” is tailored to the most practical questions and fundamental concepts of design of structures in reinforced concrete. The text stands as an ideal learning resource for civil engineering, building construction, and architecture students as well as a valuable reference for concrete structural design professionals in practice.Concrete Structures by Mehdi, Darvas, Robert
Table of contents

Rectangular Beams and One-Way Slabs
Setareh, Mehdi (et al.)
Pages 37-149 Special Topics in Flexure
Setareh, Mehdi (et al.)
Pages 151-233 Shear in Reinforced Concrete Beams
Setareh, Mehdi (et al.)
Pages 235-276 Columns
Setareh, Mehdi (et al.)
Pages 277-370 Floor Systems
Setareh, Mehdi (et al.)
Pages 371-402 Foundations and Earth Supporting Walls
Setareh, Mehdi (et al.)
Pages 403-516 Formwork for Monolithic Concrete Construction
Setareh, Mehdi (et al.)
Pages 517-565 Overview of Prestressed Concrete
Setareh, Mehdi (et al.)
Pages 567-590 Metric System in Reinforced Concrete Design and Construction
Setareh, Mehdi (et al.)

مشكلة تغيير الماك أدريس في نظام ويندوز يبطأ سرعة النت
السلام عليكم
أرجو مساعدتي بحل مشكلة تغيير الماك أدريس لكرت الشبكة في نظام ويندوز يبطأ سرعة النت كثيرا بالتصفح والتحميل المباشر لكن التحميل من التورنت لا يتأثر
أرجو مساعدتي بفهم وحل المشكلة
Udemy – 3D Rigging Basics
Udemy 3D Rigging Basics

Udemy 3D Rigging Basics
Udemy 3D Rigging Basics
Udemy 3D Rigging Basics
What you’ll learn
Cover the most basic form of 3D Rigging which is linking or parenting.
How to modify the pivot point of an object.
Learn about groups and how to utilize them.
Bone objects, what they are and why they are so useful.
The benefits of working with inverse kinematics. and apply that to our arm rig project.
Work with control objects and constraints to finish our arm rig
The skinning process and how we can edit skin deformations
A computer
Any version of 3ds Max
Exercise files are provided
Prior knowledge is not needed
Motivation to learn ??

للأخوة المهندسين مجموعة برامج حديثة جدا
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

لدعم القسم الهندسي بالبوابة الجديدة تم اليوم اضافة عشرات البرامج الحديثة جدا بمجالات مختلفة فيرجى الاطلاع لمن يهمه البرامج الهندسية بشكل عام

طبعا يجب التسجيل باعتبار المنتدى منفصل بالكامل عن الحالي وسيتم الانتقال اليه قريبا ان شاء الله

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طلب كورس : eCommerce Marketing Mastery – Ezra Firestone
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله
برجاء تحويل روابط كورس

eCommerce Marketing Mastery – Ezra Firestone

ولكم جزيل الشكر

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